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Breast Augmentation: A Patient's Story

A 20-year-old woman describes a gut-wrenching story of growing up with poorly developed breast tissues in a nasty judgmental society in the suburbs of Kolkata, India. She also describes how a good breast enlargement surgery made a massive improvement in her life all-around. Plastic surgery had not only enlarged her chest successfully but also her entire life!

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It's Amazing How Plastic Surgery Like Breast Enlargement Enhanced My Self-Confidence and My Life.



I had virtually no breasts. Seriously, almost next to none! I became extremely self-conscious about my small breast size when I was about 12 years old. All my friends in school and neighborhood started growing breasts and becoming more like adult women. My body's growth left me out of that club. During the festivals and also at school, I used to be the butt of jokes and ridicule amongst my friends and cousins. I also had to bear with snide comments that came from boys around me. I felt being 'body-shamed'. I was beginning to learn that the world would judge my whole life based not on how good I was in any field, but only on the size of my breasts. I always wore padded bras to boost their sizes so that I would not be bullied anymore. All I could think about was getting a job after growing up a little more and saving enough money to enhance my breasts. I needed to alter all my dresses, especially the low-cut tops so that my bra or bust would not show. Strapless dresses and tops were my sworn enemies, and they made me feel insecure and self-conscious all the time.


My father was the best friend and support I had during my growing up years. He died after a prolonged illness when I was 19, and my entire world crashed around me. Without powerful support to counter the negativity all around me, I became prone to depression, sleeplessness, and mood swings. I could not get a steady boyfriend. All the time, I felt threatened and was fearful of being rejected. Gradually, I started working and saved a bit of money. Then one day, on a hunch after reading some online reviews, I visited a famous plastic surgeon in our city and consulted him regarding my problems. I was extremely nervous, but the good doctor was kind and patient with me. He did not rush me through the consultation process but understood my underlying emotional turmoil quite well. 


Dr. Srinjoy Saha patiently told me about the different options that I had in front of me to increase my breast size. My choices included silicone and saline implants and fat grafting, and I also understood their potential risks and benefits. He told me about three different ways of putting implants inside my chest, including that under the breasts only, under the muscle only, and in a 'dual plane' where it is under the muscle in the upper part and breasts in the lower part. I felt comfortable after he examined my condition and educated me about my choices, without hurrying me into taking a decision. Instead, he asked me to take a few days off to think about it in a cool head and get back again with my mother before making an informed choice. I liked the way he gave me the power to make my own decisions and make my own choices. 


After reading and thinking about different options under expert guidance, I finally opted to go for a 'dual-plane' method and with a next-generation 'gummy-bear' silicone implant. I felt more secure knowing that the upper part of the implant will be covered underneath the chest muscle, and thus safe from injuries. My mom was extremely scared of general anesthesia and apprehensive if I will wake up at all after the surgery. There are so many horror stories going around! Dr. Saha assured me and my mother that the anesthetist doctor looking after me is an expert in his field and trustworthy and that the facilities for surgery were top-notch. Horror stories account for less than 1% of all actual events. They are usually exaggerated to attract attention and should not be taken too seriously. In short, I went to sleep the day before knowing fully well that I was in safe hands!


The day of surgery went like a dream. I remember not having food or water since the night before, checking into a private cabin, being shifted to the operation theatre with big bright lights, taking deep breaths into a mask while I drifted off to deep sleep. When I woke up, I had some bandages around my chest but no pain!! They shifted me back into my cabin and I remember talking to my mother before drifting back to sleep once again. After waking up in a few hours, I felt comfortable enough to go home. Later, I asked Dr. Srinjoy Saha why I did not feel pain after the surgery. He replied he uses a specialized technique of numbing most of the nerves in the operated area before closing the wound. This technique works very well and makes all his patients remain pain-free and comfortable after the surgery is over.


I feel so much better about myself now after undergoing this surgery. My cup size has gone up from size A to at least a size C. It looks balanced and proportional to my body shape, just as the models look in their pictures. When I meet new people, they can not guess that I had any surgery done. My boyfriend (now my husband) did not even know that I had surgery until I told him later on. I had been to beaches wearing a bikini and received appreciative glances from people around. It made me feel so special! There is a nice round fullness in the lower part of my breast that hides the cut mark even when I look at myself in the mirror. My breasts look natural and they blend so well with the rest of my body. Since then, I have moved on to a new job in a new city and made new friends with a new set of people, and none can understand that I had my breasts operated upon. I have worked out, gone to the gym regularly, eating healthy and right, and am enjoying my life now. In short, my trials of the past are a distant dream, and my new life has come full circle.




Credits: The patient's story was transcribed and written for this article by Jyotirmoyee Chakraborty.


Dr. Srinjoy Saha

MBBS, MS, MCh (Plastic Surgery), F.A.C.S., F.R.C.S.(Glasg).


Top Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon.

Practice Locations

Apollo Hospital Kolkata.

58 Canal Circular Road 

Kolkata, India 700054

Near: Salt Lake Stadium

Tel: 987-463-3896


Private Clinic: Ben Nevis.

11 A, Rawdon Street 

Kolkata, India 700016

Near: Kala Mandir

Tel: 983-142-5315


© 2023 by Srinjoy Saha.    "To The Patient, Any Surgery is Momentous."

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